Saturday, August 15, 2009

Family Reunion

Branden's Grandmother passed away a few weeks ago and although that's a sad reason to get together, Grandma's funeral amounted to a big family reunion. I finally got to meet all of Branden's cousins and his aunts and uncles. It was great to see his parents and sisters again. I haven't seen Wendi and Trina for two years! Nora found a couple of babies to play with and she surprised me by being actually quite gentle and careful around them. Except for when she tried to pull one of them up on her feet to get her to walk. Whoops!

Potty Rewards

At the end of Nora's potty chart was a Chuck E. Cheese Logo - her big prize for all her hard work. It was really packed and she got a cold the next day from all the germs but she loved it!