Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Lots of Christmas Pics

Thing One, Thing Two, and Emery

Putting Out Carrots for Santa

My cute husband gave me several gift cards for Christmas but instead of just handing them over, he created this beautiful flower arrangement to surprise me with! So thoughtful!

I think she was confused about this gift! (they're soccer cones.)

Maybe we shouldn't tell her to say cheese! :)

New cousins Ike and Tyson - just three weeks apart!

Hey Ike! Quit Pushing!

Naughty, naughty!

Hmmm... why are all the legs missing?
We took Stephartereesery to the local kids museum when they came down to Visalia after Christmas.

Our beautiful niece Emery!
Reese getting a dental checkup from her daddy at the museum.

Playing dress up at our house.