Sunday, June 2, 2013

Say What?

The other day I had the windows down in the car and it was pretty windy. Ike yelled to me, "Mom! Please put the windows up. The wind is blowing away my style!" [meaning it was messing up his hair]

Yesterday in the car, Nora announced, "When I grow up I want to be a one-hit wonder!"
Branden said, "Okay... what's your song going to be?"
Nora replied,"Uncage My Heart. I'm still working on it."

Monday, May 6, 2013

Christensen Disney Reunion

 We were able to pull the whole clan together for a three-day reunion in Anaheim. We spent one day at the beach and two at Disneyland. My parents rented an incredible place that fit our big family and we had a great time. Thank you, family, for making the LONG trip down to be together. I was so glad to see you!!!

 Stephanie whipped up these super cute tees. We got lots of nice comments in the park.

Stand-Up Guy

Last night we decided to have a family testimony meeting before bedtime. We went in the playroom and used the kids' stage as a stand and pulled out Nora's play microphone to practice.  When it was Ike's turn, he got up on the stage, tapped the microphone and said, "Is this thing on?"

We might wait a while before letting him actually get up to bear his testimony in a Sacrament meeting! :)

Saturday, April 20, 2013


The other night as I was watching Nora and Vienna having fun together in the tub, I said,"Nora, I am so excited for a year from now when you two can really be playing and pretending together."

"Yeah," Nora said. "Maybe she can be the one to be the boys... or the evil witch."

*Sigh.*Ah, Nora. :)

How could this face...

inspire this one?
We attempted to have Vienna take a picture with the Easter Bunny, but as soon as we approached she started screaming. Okay, I guess he is a little creepy.
We dropped our older two at Gramma's a few days before Easter and took a trip out to Reno. We were scoping it out as a place to eventually settle. On our way back we stopped in old town Auburn. So pretty! That's where we traumatized our baby with the E.B.
Then we were all together for the fun Easter festivities.


Thank you Mom and Dad!!! You are the best!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Kid Quote Roundup

As we drove home from church today I was asking the kids what they learned. Nora told me all about the steps of repentance. Then it was Ike's turn.

Ike: Me learned the man in white underpants on the cross is God.

Me: Oh, yes. Jesus, right?

Ike: Uh-huh. And the mans in black underpants are steves.

Me: Steves? Do you mean thieves?

Ike: No. Steves!

Me: What does that mean?

Ike: Steves. Like on Blue's Clues.

Yesterday Nora was so excited for the start of spring break. In family prayer she said,"Please bless Daddy with comfort and help him not to be jealous that he doesn't get ten days off like me."

Friday, February 22, 2013

Ike's Heart and Boogers

Yesterday Ike earned a timeout, during which he sobbed and sobbed. When I came to release him from timeout, he mournfully cried," Mom, my heart is dead!"
I guess his sister must have passed on some of her DNA for drama. :)

Today I caught him sticking a finger up his nose.
Me: "Don't pick your nose, silly guy!Eww!"
Ike: "Me only pick my nose in California."

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Happy Birthday Branden!

Last night as we were getting out of the car to have Branden's birthday dinner at a "fancy"  salad bar restaurant:

Nora: Okay, everybody. Let's be on our best behavior tonight. We don't want to ruin this special know, Dad's birthday dinner.

What a character! They did behave for the most part and I'm so glad to have had my wonderful husband for another great year. 9