Sunday, October 7, 2012

Kindergarten Lady

Nora is now a big kindergartner! She is in all day kinder (8am-2pm) and I think it was a bit of adjustment at first, but now she is doing great. Here are a few tidbits from her experiences so far:

  • The  first week, on Friday when I came to pick her up, Nora's teacher grabbed me and said that they had done show-and-tell that day, but that Nora had not brought anything to share. Apparently that did not deter her in the slightest though. She got up, spread her arms out wide and said, "Well - it's me. I didn't bring anything, so I thought I'd share myself. You won't see me for a few days, so get a good look now!"

    Her teacher thought it was hilarious!
  • She's surprising us with the things she is learning. For example, a few weeks ago I was asking her about her friends at school. She told me that at recess that day she had played with her friend Holiday and a new girl, Holiday's friend.
    "Oh cool," I said. "Did you like playing with Holiday's friend?"
    "Well...," Nora answered, "we weren't synergizing."
    Branden's and my mouth dropped open. "What does that mean?"
    "It means we weren't working well as a team."

    Pretty good for her first month of kindergarten!
  • The other day on the car ride home, Nora was really excited. "Mom! Today we learned about Johnny Appleseed and I made up a song about him to the tune of 'Carol of the Bells' and I shared it with my class!!!"
    "Wow," I said. "You sang it for your whole class? Did they like it?"
    "Well...[a bit deflated] they didn't give me a round of applause."

Vienna's Quilt

My mom is amazing. She makes totally custom, tricked-out baby quilts for each new grandchild. We just give her a theme and and color scheme and she goes to town. The only problem is that each one is such a work of art that I don't want to use them and ruin them. I end up hanging them on the nursery wall! I am completely in love with Vienna's. So cute.  Apparently my dad helped on this one a lot, so thank you to both of you!!!