Thursday, December 15, 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Clipped and Fit!

Ike now officially has a normal length tongue. The surgery was this morning and went perfectly. Our little guy was a little out of it afterwards, as you can tell by his dazed look. He's wearing his prize for being such a good patient. He picked them out himself. 

He hasn't seem to be in much pain at all and is now bounced back from acting lethargic. Now we just have to work with him to realize he has a long tongue. Bring on the ice cream cones!

Monday, December 5, 2011


We were lucky enough to get Branden's parents with us for Thanksgiving this year. I'm really glad they were able to make the drive out. 
 Here's Ike enjoying the Macy's Parade with G & G.
 With a table full of delicious food, all Ike wanted was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich!

 Nora's favorite part of the meal
 The Saturday after Thanksgiving we head up to our favorite Christmas tree farm again. Here's Nora at the base of the treehouse.
 Ike, waiting for a ride on the train.
Here's us on the train. Nora insisted on sitting in the back in the cattle car. :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Superstar Hubby

I just wanted to give some quick, but major props to Branden for all his hard work on my birthday this year. He made and decorated this cake completely by himself!!!

Here was my birthday breakfast spread.
He even invited a bunch of my friends over that night to help celebrate and eat the cake. He is so thoughtful and I'm so grateful for all his efforts!

Pudding Painting

 We revisited an FHE activity we did with Nora when she was about 18 months old.  Branden made up about 5 colors of pudding and we let the kids have at it on their plates. The point was to finger paint in the pudding, but it really just ended up everywhere. Lots of fun though!

Harry and Rita

I realized today that I never posted about our very special visitors in September. My dear friends Harry and Rita van der Bulk cam all the way from the Netherlands to spend a week with us during their American vacation. I met them on my mission after they came through the Temple open house. They were not interested in joining the church but I remained in close contact with them throughout the years and this year, nearly a decade after my mission, here they were! It was great to get reacquainted, and I did a pretty good job of remembering how to understand and speak Dutch after 8 years, if I do say so myself. :)

We were a little stumped as to what "sites" to show them in Visalia, but luckily Harry and Rita were more interested in simple getting the "flavor" of our little central valley home. Here's some pictures of our adventures together. All photos courtesy of Harry (he's an amazing photographer.)
They brought cute Dutch "wooden shoe" slippers for the kids.

 Walking around downtown Visalia
 At our favorite local restaurant, Fugazzis
 Showing Harry and Rita the murals of downtown Exeter

 Harry and Rita spoiling our kids with GIANT suckers
 Our kids LOVED Harry and Rita. Even though Rita didn't speak much English with the kids (she could understand it fine), they laughed and played with her all the time. Ike was even calling her Oma (grandma) by the time they left.

 Ike dancing on the trail at Sequoia National Forest

 We even took them to one of Nora's soccer games.
One of our last adventures was the Tulare County Fair, which I think was a truly American tradition to introduce them to. :)

 Nora being the leader of our section during the pig races.
They promised to visit again some day and I really hope they do. It was a wonderful visit!