1. Once Branden, Nora, and I were sitting on the couch watching TV together. When Nora's pacifier popped out, I automatically reached to put it back in. Except I tried to put it in the wrong mouth! Branden looked at me with the "What are you doing?!" stare as I aimed Nora's binky directly at his piehole! :) I still laugh everytime I think about it!
2. Anyone who knows me well knows that I am not a pet person. In fact, most close aquaintances know that I believe "animals belong in the wild or in cages." So of course, I would be blessed with a daughter who goes bonkers every time she sees an animal, particularly dogs and cats. When we're out together I help point out dogs and cats for her, saying things like "There's a dog!" or "Do you hear that cat?" I have gotten so into the habit that even when I am not with Nora and I spot a dog, I start to say "Look! A dog!" and try to stop before I embarrass myself with whomever I am with!
It's funny how our children train us! Thanks for the stories. :)
haha! i've called jon ruby or winston (our dogs) before.... he didn't like that very much :)
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