Thing One, Thing Two, and Emery
Putting Out Carrots for Santa
My cute husband gave me several gift cards for Christmas but instead of just handing them over, he created this beautiful flower arrangement to surprise me with! So thoughtful!
I think she was confused about this gift! (they're soccer cones.)
Maybe we shouldn't tell her to say cheese! :)
Playing dress up at our house.
It looks like you guys had a good Christmas and stayed very busy. We were so happy that we were able to see your cute family while you were in town. Next visit we will have to make longer. Nora sure is growing up and Mr. Ike is adorable! Thanks for letting me get my baby fix for a minute. I was suprised to see you at our ward on Sunday. Are you still in town? If so, you need to give me a call. I hope Nora is feeling better. Sydnee told me she was feeling yucky. How my 2 year old nows these things I will never know. Hope you guys had a good new years. We miss you! :0)
Your little girl has the most beautiful coloring and bright brown eyes. You already know this, but sometimes it's nice to hear it from someone who isn't bias! Glad you had a great Christmas!
Amber! Look how cute your little family is. i can't believe how big Nora and Ike are. Your Christmas looks like it was perfect. Happy 20-10. Gosh it really doesn't feel like 5 years ago we were in applewood. Life moves so fast.
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