Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Say what?

During breakfast this morning:

Nora: Do you love having a clean house?

Me: Yes I do.

Nora: Even if someone else cleans it for you?

Me:... Yeah, that would be really nice.

Nora: Do you trust Merry Maids?

Me: What?!?!?

Nora: I saw a commercial about them. Get a Merry Maid. Everyone trusts Merry Maids!

Yesterday, Nora's preschool teacher told me there was a little rock throwing incident, where another kid hit Nora in the mouth with a large rock. Afterwards I pumped her for a little more information.

Me: So Parker hit you with a rock?

Nora: Well...Actually I started it.

Me: You did? What did you do?

Nora: I was throwing little rocks at him.

Me: Why?

Nora: Because he was pretending to shoot a gun at me and I didn't like it.

Me: But don't you know you shouldn't throw rocks at people?

Nora: Well (sigh)... sometimes during life, its hard.


Amy and Jeff said...

Haha, I love it! Thanks for the laughs:)

Heather and Zac said...

OK-I'm love that girl! In fact, I check your blog wanting to know how you're doing, AND secretly hoping that we'll get some hilarious nora-isms to getting me laughing!